
notes on ***reality, dukkha, and being well*** follow credits and links below

source of image The Roots of Mindfulness: Hakuin Ekaku and the Art of Zen

!gb nor are they otherwise / Lankavatara Sutra
!twitter "nor are they otherwise"
!twitter "nor is it otherwise"
!gb Secular Buddhism: "fully knowing dukkha, letting go of craving"

!g comprehending dukkha
!g seeing dukkha as wanting something
!g being well is being on the eightfold path … wanting nothing
!g loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity

!twitter loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity
tweet (source of “pervading the world with a mind imbued with …”)

published this post – n2017a – and set up a short URL: tiny.cc/n2017a

added links with search terms for knowing and comprehending dukkha and, on Twitter, for the brahma viharas – the divine abodes, the immeasurables – as guiding values;
sent this tweet:

replaced dukkha is wanting reality to be otherwise
with dukkha is our wanting it to be otherwise
