being beyond the mind

Questioner: “… Your words ‘beyond the mind’ give me no clue.”
Maharaj: “While looking with the mind, you cannot go beyond it. …”

* * *

you’re aware you’re aware you are,
being aware of this being aware of being

only in the mind is any being other than this being;
the being known as you is other than this being

what is known is what is thought to be: a construct,
a mental construct – one that can be called to mind

the past and future too are mental constructs,
with what is known included in the past

beyond the mind is nothing other than what is:
the present, being beyond the mind, that is all

the present isn’t what is thought to be
but is unknown, unknowable – a mystery

accept with open heart the gift the mind
cannot accept unless it’s by negation:*

• nothing depends on nothing
• nothing does not change
• nothing is other than this
• no one is

no one is other than this, this being,
this being beyond the mind: the present

delight in the present, in being aware of being,
in being aware of being beyond the mind

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*see Jacob Needleman on the Buddhist strategy of negation in his afterword to The Dhammapada (search A/B);
see also this being
