being beyond the mind

Questioner: “… Your words ‘beyond the mind’ give me no clue.”
Maharaj: “While looking with the mind, you cannot go beyond it. …”

* * *

you’re aware you’re aware you are,
being aware of this being aware of being

only in the mind is any being other than this being;
the being known as you is other than this being

what is known is what is thought to be: a construct,
a mental construct – one that can be called to mind

the past and future too are mental constructs,
with what is known included in the past

beyond the mind is nothing other than what is:
the present, being beyond the mind, that is all

the present isn’t what is thought to be
but is unknown, unknowable – a mystery

accept with open heart the gift the mind
cannot accept unless it’s by negation:*

• nothing depends on nothing
• nothing does not change
• nothing is other than this
• no one is

no one is other than this, this being,
this being beyond the mind: the present

delight in the present, in being aware of being,
in being aware of being beyond the mind

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*see Jacob Needleman on the Buddhist strategy of negation in his afterword to The Dhammapada (search A/B);
see also this being

on collective narcissism

excerpt follows

Robert Scheer – “I’m half Jewish and half German” – points out that high culture didn’t stop Germany from sliding into fascism:

… they still had the best music, and they had the best science, and they had all of this in Germany. And it didn’t save them at all, it didn’t help them at all. And I have always found that very depressing when I apply it to the United States. 

CH: Well, because I think that the problem was that—I mean, just as under Stalinism, there was a war against culture, replaced with faux culture. You know, the whole attack on Jewish science was part of Nazism and Stalinism. So you’re right, except that it shows how swiftly a society that reaches those cultural heights can be reoriented towards barbarism. And I would argue that that is one of the fundamental dangers in the United States, is the war we’ve made on our own culture. The Nazis made, had a huge movie industry, and they didn’t make—they made some horrible propaganda films. But most of it was fluff, was garbage, was Hollywood-type entertainment. And you know, mindless entertainment; spectacle. Spectacle—fascists do spectacle very well. Stalin did spectacle very well. And that creates a kind of cultural milieu where people lose the capacity to think critically and self-reflect, which is what authentic culture is about; that capacity to get you to look within yourself, look within your society. And it’s replaced with this collective narcissism, which has been on display at this convention. And that’s very dangerous. And we’ve seen Trump ride that collective narcissism, and exploit it through right-wing populism, and do what proto-fascist movements always do, which is direct a legitimate rage and a cultural narcissism towards the vulnerable. Undocumented workers, Muslims, homosexuals, you know, on and on and on. So the destruction of culture is a key component—actually, my first book, “War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning,” and the wars that I covered, noted that a culture that goes to war destroys its own culture before it destroys the culture of the enemy.

RS: But basic to that manipulative concept, obscuring your own responsibility—the denial of, say, Jesus, who may not have existed but it was attributed to him in Luke, of the Good Samaritan—trying to understand the other, and that the other also has a soul, and so forth. Obliterating that, making people throwaway people, whether they’re the people you deal with in jail, or the people we’re bombing. As the Democratic convention is going on, a Democratic president is randomly killing people with drones and what have you. And you even had Madeleine Albright get up there to a standing ovation—I was stunned—and she’s a woman who at one point defended the bombing, starvation, actually, in Iraq, and you know, this is the price you pay. And I was thinking about that; essential to this whole narrative is that idea that Reagan pushed—he wasn’t the first, but the Germans had it too—that you are the city on the hill. You are the place that God is watching.

CH: Right. Well, that’s what the collective narcissism is about. And with collective narcissism, means you externalize evil. So every moralist—I mean, having covered war, I know how thin that line is between victim and victimizer. I know how easily people can be seduced into carrying out atrocity; I’ve seen it in every war I’ve covered. And I think the best break against that is understanding those dark forces within all of us, and the capacity we all have for evil. That’s what makes Primo Levi such a great writer about the Holocaust. And so collective narcissism essentially says we—it creates a binary world, as you correctly point out, where other human beings embody evil, and when we eradicate them, we have eradicated evil. And that, of course, propels a society into committing atrocious acts of evil in the name of good. And that’s what the Nazis did, and I would argue that’s what we do in the Middle East; that’s what we do in this vast system of mass incarceration; that’s what we do in our internal colonies; that’s what we do to our poor.

RS: And that’s what we do in our foreign policy. And there is a common theme that we saw at both the Republican and Democratic conventions. And it was surprising to me how much they had in common in this respect: that we are the aggrieved. It’s like the people in Germany after World War I, who became convinced that they had been victimized by the rest of the world. Right, whether it was Jewish bankers in New York, or it was the French, or the Allies, or what have you. And it was interesting, we’re recording this at the point when Barack Obama’s going to speak at the convention tonight. But last night, listening to the speeches, they had you know, first responders; 9/11 was a big theme, because after all, Hillary Clinton, senator from New York, and she had the credentials of having been around during 9/11 and so forth. And it was all about, you know, this—first of all, sort of a continuation of the idea that no other people in the world have ever been attacked in this way. Right? You know, we are a nation—

CH: Well, it’s the—you know, all of these societies that descend into this, I think what you correctly called barbarism, sanctify their own victimhood. This is what’s killed Israel. And you sanctify your—once you sanctify your victimhood, it’s beyond understanding. And it gives you a license, or you believe it gives you a license, to do anything

[full audio and transcript]

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being well

see footnote

being well is doing well by doing nothing more than need be done to be and let be*

if you know that already, you also may know this:

All we know is stories. Some are helpful, some not. None are reality. Reality is not a story. Reality is what is. And this is beyond words.

that said, want nothing, be well, tweet or retweet this, and otherwise spread the word – paradox alert! – however you want to

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image: juvenile barn swallow being fed – Magnus Kjaergaard [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
*with loving-kindness, compassion, empathic joy, and equanimity

there is no other …

there is no other being than this being: all that is happening now

thoughts of past and future and of whatever else is thought are in the mind, recalled – or not – only in this moment, the present

there only ever is this moment, the present, this being: all that is happening now

nothing is other than this

no one is

there is no other being

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want nothing, be well

the being known as you

recommended: the transcript the tweet links to

* * *

the being known as you

this present is all that is;
past and future are in the mind

nothing is other than this being,
in every form, in the mind or not

any form needs other forms to be;
all forms of being are in flux

nothing depends on nothing;
nothing does not change

nothing is other than what is,
this being, this present:

this being forming this present;
this present forming this being,

… forming the being known as you

* * *

want nothing, be well

usage note: being – in the sense here of existence – is a mass noun, like water

want nothing, be well

image credited in a related post: want nothing

may all want nothing but that all want nothing

wanting anything – wanting something to be or not to be – is dukkha;
nirvana is needing nothing and wanting nothing, not even this:
that all want nothing

* * *

want nothing, be well

want nothing … other than that all want nothing;
be well: do no more than need be done to be and let be*

* * *

*with loving-kindness, compassion, empathic joy, and equanimity

the present

I think of Uber as a modern-day version of the Works Progress Administration during the Depression. Thanks to Uber, I am not poor. I am just … nobody.

When I first started driving, I talked to every passenger. I engaged in conversation about the city, life and politics. I told them about my work as a reporter, and as a strip club manager. I felt the need to say, “I’m not really an Uber driver. I am someone too. Just like you!”

Nobody cared.

I found that I could become visible or invisible at will. It’s about the voice. Say “please” and “thank you” and shut up and drive. Don’t make eye contact. People come in with their antenna up and on alert. Once they see you are no threat, they turn you off.

This crushes the ego. As it turns out in my case, that’s a good thing. Next comes acceptance. I am a driver. I drive. I work and go home and then work again. I speak less and listen more. People drone on about their work and lives and I nod as if to agree even as I think, mostly, “what a wanker.”

Only when they initiate conversation do I join in. It just doesn’t matter. Nothing matters.

And that’s when the healing starts. It is Zen and the Art of Uber Driving.

beyond the mind – beyond all thought of past and future – there is only what is

nothing is other than this being

no one is

and what is – this being – is a gift beyond words: the present

* * *

avoid harming any being

avoid killing, stealing, cheating, lying, and otherwise denying awareness of being …
all being, all that is: the present

just be … and do no more than need be done to be and let be*

this being :: Beyond the Mind :: *with loving-kindness, compassion, empathic joy, and equanimity

this being

beyond the mind – beyond all thought of past and future – there is only what is

nothing is other than this being

no one is

* * *

there is only this being … and doing no more than need be done to be and let be*

Beyond the Mind :: *with loving-kindness, compassion, empathic joy, and equanimity

being and not being

Where death waits for us is uncertain; let us look for him everywhere. The premeditation of death is the premeditation of liberty; he who has learned to die has unlearned to serve. There is nothing evil in life for him who rightly comprehends that the privation of life is no evil: to know, how to die delivers us from all subjection and constraint. Michel de Montaigne

follow link in tweet for more

see also die before you die

* * *

To be or not to be is not the question. There is only being. There is only what is, all of it, the whole.

The countless forms that being takes come into existence, exist for a while, and then no longer exist.

That is one view.

In another view, that anything exists as an entity apart from the whole – even for a moment – is in the mind.

In this view, nothing depends on nothing; nothing does not change; nothing exists apart from the interdependent web of all existence.

That there is any independent being that comes into existence, exists for a while, and then no longer exists is an illusion.

  • all being is nothing but change
  • no being is independent of any being

see also UU principles*

*search ::