absolute truth

relative truth and absolute truth are two sides of the same coin*

any thinking being is amphibian,
existing at any moment in one or both of two worlds:
the world of what is and the world of what is thought to be

the truth of anything thought to be is relative:
it depends on what else is thought to be

as for what is,
nothing doesn’t change
nothing is perfect
nothing depends on nothing
☛ what is depends on what is

the truth of what is depends on nothing else;
it is absolute, beyond words, beyond the mind,
open here and now – even so – to any and all being
as nothing other than the direct experience of being

nothing thought or said is the absolute truth

the thought of being – I am – is the first thought,
the origin of relative truth, of the world of what is thought to be:
the origin of separation into me and not-me, this and not-this, …

may all be well, letting that thought of being invite the question: Who am I?*


*a link; see a note on notes and links and a disclaimer; see also the about post and the archives of miscellany, notrehta, or fw posts

date and time of last edit: 2023-07-17T10−07*

“Man is an amphibian …” / from the foreword by Aldous Huxley to Krishnamurti’s The First and Last Freedom (!?)

nothing doesn’t change … / anicca, dukkha, anatta – the three marks of existence (!?)

nothing is perfect / ideal, complete, beyond change … from notes on a Substack post*

nothing depends on nothing (!*) / a site-specific search

the direct experience of being / aka choiceless awareness (!* !*)

a direct frontal attack on the question: Who am I? / see “The Answer” by Thanu Padmanabhan (!?)

/ click on the search icon in the reader below, enter the word direct, and step through the six matches
