dukkha: a mark of existence

Questioner: Is it not our duty to be patriots?
Ramana Maharshi: Your duty is to be, and not to be this or that.

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nothing is other than
the interdependent web
of all existence

no one is

nothing depends on nothing,
and nothing does not change

what is thought of as dukkha arises and ceases:
it arises with wanting and ceases with being

dukkha ceases with being that is simply being
and letting be … and doing no more
than need be done to be and let be

dukkha ceases with seeing that no one is other
than the interdependent web of all existence;
that nothing is; that all other entities are in the mind

“An awe-filled agnosticism is perhaps the better part of wisdom,”
says Rev Dr Marilyn Sewell of when one is, as she puts it,
“entering the ground of the infinite with the powers of a finite mind.”

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