may all be well

Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.
be well – pay attention to what is, to direct experience,
to the miracle of being aware of being – and want no more

nothing less than our survival rests on wanting nothing more

may none want more than they need to be and let be, to live and let live,
and pay attention to what is, to direct experience, to being aware of being

may all be well and want no more


*a link –  see a note on notes and links :: block quote above is from Mary Oliver :: this post is a stripped-down version of the previous post*

see The Answer by Thanu Padmanabhan (!?) – and what he says about direct experience*

Pay attention. Pay attention to direct experience of what is, of what is sensed in this moment, the present. Be astonished. Be astonished at this being, this being aware of being, this present. And tell about it. Tell about aliveness and awareness and mystery and wonder.

There is only ever this: the present.*

Past and future are present. As stories.*

Accept the present. Delight in it. Rejoice in it. Rejoice with an awe-filled agnosticism. (!*)

See what is as beyond the mind: not only stranger than we know but stranger than we can know. (!?)

* * *

For anyone, any point of view is at one of the four stages of acceptance:

  1. This is worthless nonsense

  2. This is an interesting, but perverse, point of view

  3. This is true but of no importance

  4. I always said so

/ J.B.S. Haldane (!*)

may all be well and want no more / no longer seeing self in what is not-self (!? !*)*
