reflecting on being: the observer as the observed

image credit: Kelen Loewen*

nothing depends on nothing, and nothing doesn’t change

nothing is other than this being; no one is

everyone is aware of being, aware of form, feeling, perception, and thought*

being aware of being is the observer as the observed, is choiceless awareness,
is direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures … (!?)

and direct experience is the key:
The observer and the observed are a joint phenomenon; and when you experience that directly, then you will find that the thing which you have dreaded as emptiness – which makes you seek escape into various forms of sensation, including religion – ceases, and you are able to face it and be it.*

no one need do more than need be done
to be and let be, to live and let live
in this and every moment
without comparing or judging,
in choiceless awareness* *

an awe-filled agnosticism is perhaps the better part of wisdom, (!?)
leaving space to appreciate the miracle of choiceless awareness

given that
appreciation of the miracle of one’s own awareness, which is always present, requiring no conjuring up, has been scribbled over with false images pushed upon us by others*
and that
we are all choicelessly aware of whatever arises in each moment, be it pain, pleasure, fear, attraction, or anything else* – even a thought – aware of it as it arises, before even beginning to think about it,
then simply be as you are – choicelessly aware – “at every moment and in all the circumstances of life” *

*a link; see a note on notes and links; see also a disclaimer
