updated credo: evolution and extinction

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

to print the document, go to the original here

any note below is further to the endnotes in the document above

notice that to build our own theology together – at VanU (!?) or wherever – isn’t BYOT, it’s CTT*

Mary Oliver’s instructions for living a life (!*) inspired this credo update, as did seeing the current mass extinction (!?) less as a problem for us to solve, more as a predicament for us to survive – if we evolve in time

it’s not hope, it’s love … for everyone making mouth noises about their mind noises (!?)*

nothing isn’t dukkha … so, awake and respond: be awake, responsive, and free (!*)

nothing isn’t dukkha: nothing is perfect, ideal, complete, beyond change or dependence / footnote from page 1

no one need see dukkha with other than equanimity / Norman Fischer (!?)

TK* / to come (!?)*